Tag Archives: 5k

Lazy Sunday afternoon

…only made possible by having run 3 and a half miles before lunch. 

Still sore from yesterday’s target practice (with I the target) and with the temperature about freezing (Garmin helpfully said it was 1 degree Celsius but would feel like -2) I donned my tights, buff, merino wool top and gloves and set off.

Was OK actually, I went the long way around the park and back in for another lap and then avoided the chance to duck home before the hill meaning I ended up doing my longest run of the year at 3.5 miles dead. 

“Sprint” finish owing to the chemical brothers coming on my mp3 player as I turned into my street left me a gibbering mess when I got in and there had been gnashing of teeth up the hill and slippery Icy moments on corners but overall it was pretty comfortable. 

Along the way I think my 5k time was around 27 mins which is some way off where I’d like to be before I do any park runs (In my head I’m a 20 min ish type of guy so I want to be near that before I go I think, certainly sub 23 mins) although there were 2 noticeable stops to cross the road and I was a bit within myself. 

Have to keep reminding myself not to push too hard, too soon though, lots of running to be done and plenty of time to do it in.